Tag Archives: Website Photo Gallery

Reasons to Use Customer Photos in Online Photo galleries of Ecommerce Sites

17 Dec Image Gallery

10% photos taken since the inception of this world appear during the last 1 year and presented in Image Gallery. Isn’t it an amazing fact? To your surprise, it has become the game of pictures now, converting individuals into big brands. Jammie Oliver, a celebrity chef, utilized the power of photos at instagram, and is running a Jamie Oliver brand now. Better photo means attract more visitors and experience more of their engagement. For an eCommerce site, attracting and engaging the prospects is the ingredient to experience more sales.

Importance of Images for an eCommerce Site

Images are considered now as the universal language. For an eCommerce business owner, the significance of online Photo Gallery increases many folds. Better presentation of product photos in photo galleries online means attracting the customers, giving them a clear view of what they are going to buy. If it’s said that a professionally designed images gallery helps increasing conversions, it’s true indeed. Here are given some major reasons behind importance of images for an online store.

More reviews for articles carrying images: Stats reveal that articles to support an eCommerce site have 94% more readers, provided there are website image gallery in the content.

More views for press releases carrying images: If you publish press releases for your eCommerce store, include snap galleries or videos related to your business. There are 45% more views for such press releases.

Images click the searchers: If images appear in local search results, 60% of the consumers try to contact a business.

Image quality helps buying decision: The quality of the images displayed in online photography gallery helps 67% consumers in reaching the buying decision. The image quality takes precedence over the product information, product description, ratings, and reviews.

Reasons to Use Customer Photos at web photo gallery

Displaying real people using the product attracts more prospects and helps quick conversions. It will let them realize how other real people feel about the product. Here are given some major reasons behind using the customer photos to help an eCommerce site in more conversions.

Customer photos on product pages increase conversions: Stats given in Olapic whitepaper reveal that customer photos on product detail pages help increasing the conversions by 4.6%. If the customers are allowed to interact with these photos, the conversion rate doubles, which was 9.6% for Olapic clients.

More visitors with more Smartphone usage: As the Smartphone usage is on rise, the number of browsers is increasing tremendously. It means a website should be capable of attracting the smart browsers with smart photos in the art photo gallery. In 2015, the camera-carrying phone sale is expected to be 2.25 billion, which means the photo-capturing trend is on rise. These photos could be of your customers, carrying your products. Why to ignore such a great opportunity of product marketing and grabbing the real customer photos for your photo gallery.

Online photo posting on rise: Stats show that 54% US adults post their original pictures online. 47% users re-share those pictures. What does it mean? Your product pictures could be shared if taken perfectly and displayed properly in the photo galleries online.

Customers trust customer photos: Believe it, 66% UK online consumers and 63% US online consumers think about buying confidently after looking at customer photos. They feel reluctant to make a buying decision if see retailer photos at an eCommerce store.

55% UK and 54% US consumers reversed their buying decision just after looking at the non-supportive product photos. It’s enough for the store owners to think about better product photo display in the image gallery.

Quality compromise isn’t tolerable: Presenting better product photos doesn’t mean giving a superficial glimpse to the prospects. It can be hazardous for the business. 33% UK and 32% US consumers returned the product just because there was a quality gap between the photo displayed and the product received.

More buying for customer photos: If a real customer models a product, 32% US consumers will think about buying. They don’t want perfect-figured models displaying the products, but the people looking like them.

Free online photo galleries are not just meant to present the products in front of the customers, but to leave a brand image for the business, to help achieving customer satisfaction, and to see a sharp growth in business sales.

What’s your opinion about images, particularly the crowd-sourced images to be used at online store?